Heart Health And How MitoQ Helps

Every day, your heart beats 100,000 times to pump over 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Extended out over the average life span, this amazing organ requires a huge amount of energy.

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If our brain is our body’s control center, then our heart can be considered as our body’s engine.

The heart is composed of cardiac muscle, which relies on a large number of mitochondria within its cells for this energy. As with many other crucial organs, a properly functioning heart is highly dependent on properly functioning mitochondria. Extended out over the average life span, the heart requires a huge amount of energy. Although they slow when we are asleep, our heart never gets a rest. If they stop, so do we.

During the average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times and pump over 1 million barrels of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels.

All that blood is pumped around the huge network of arteries, veins and capillaries which make up our circulatory system. With the use of smooth muscles, we can squeeze and relax our blood vessels. These smooth muscles contain a high number of mitochondria.

The relentless pumping of the heart requires a large and constant amount of energy, which is produced by our mitochondria.

What happens to our mitochondria as we age:

As we get older, our mitochondria become less efficient and our heart cells don’t generate the same amount of energy or level of antioxidants that they used to.

Some heart medications, such as statins, can also lower our natural antioxidant reserves. When this happens, the heart isn’t able to circulate oxygenated blood as well, and our cardiac muscle cells are exposed to more free radical damage. This can potentially cause heart muscle to be damaged or the heart to beat irregularly. It may also raise blood pressure and have devastating effects on other organs and tissues that rely heavily on our heart performing properly.

So it makes sense that if you want to keep your heart healthy you need to have healthy mitochondria.

How can MitoQ help?

MitoQ is attracted to the mitochondria in our cells and so accumulates in large quantities in our heart muscle.

Once inside our mitochondria, it provides a huge boost to our natural CoQ10 antioxidant reserves, allowing our mitochondria to get on with the task of properly powering our cells. Free radical damage to our heart and blood vessels may be significantly reduced, allowing us to live healthier, more active lives.

MitoQ is a world-first, mitochondria-targeted CoQ10 antioxidant.

MitoQ takes a shortened version of CoQ10 and gives it a positive charge. The result of these modifications is what makes MitoQ a scientific breakthrough - it is instantly attractive to the negatively charged mitochondria; and is able to pass directly through the mitochondrial membrane.

Scientifically Researched

MitoQ's breakthrough key ingredient - Mitoquinol - was discovered at University of Otago (New Zealand). Further on over a decade of research, $60 million dollars invested in independent research and over 500 peer-reviewed papers from the world's leading research institutions.

The primary ingredient MitoQ, supercharges the natural reserves of CoQ10 antioxidants in our cardiac muscle cells helping them work to their full capacity whilst helping to reduce free radical damage. MitoQ Heart is one of our revolutionary blends which blends MitoQ with premium ingredients L-Carnitine, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 to provide cardiovascular support like never before.

L-Carnitine is important in the energy production process and helps the body convert food into the energy our cells need.

Magnesium is a crucial component of the enzymes that drive the metabolic energy reaction within mitochondria.

Vitamin D3 supports cardiovascular health in a variety of ways and it has been shown that normal Vitamin D levels are associated with a normal functioning heart.

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