general research

Multi generations

What research tells us about healthy aging

Health and aging are interconnected. Take a look at what the latest research says about getting more life out of your years.

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Learn what was the first cell on earth and where did the first cell come from

What was the first cell on earth?

Every living thing can be traced back to the first cell on earth: a single-celled microorganism called a prokaryotic cell.

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Woman exercising at the beach

How many different types of cells are in the human body?

You’re made up of around 200 different types of cells that work together to keep your body functioning. Find out how MitoQ can support your cell health.

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ATP synthesis: what is ATP & how does your body make it?

What is ATP? Learn what is ATP, where is ATP produced and how is ATP made

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What does bioavailability mean?

What is bioavailability? In short, finding highly bioavailable products is a great way to ensure your body is getting what it needs.

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Game controller

How to improve your reaction time for gaming performance

Gaming is a very broad genre that has an immense amount of variation. With thousands of different categories, games all require a unique set of skills and attributes to perform well. Puzzle games, role-playing games, sports games, and adventure games represent a small selection of this immense digital world.

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a magnified image of the inside of a cell

90 days of cell activity

There's a lot going on in the human body at all times. We take a look at what some of the body's cells are doing within 90 days to keep us operating at full tilt.

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Woman after run

Oxidative stress and immunity

Many of us assume that we’re doing everything right when it comes to helping immunity and reducing our chances of getting sick; we wash our hands with antibacterial soap, take vitamin C supplements, avoid being around people who are sick, and try to get plenty of rest each night.

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Grandma and grandson

The mitochondrial free radical theory of aging

One of the more robust theories of why we age is the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging that stems from the general free radical theory of aging.

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