health & nutrition

Woman meditating in the sun

Is adrenal fatigue real?

The collection of signs associated with adrenal fatigue include low energy, sleep disturbances, a lack of mental and emotional resilience and the inability to cope with stress. So why isn't adrenal fatigue recognized as a medical condition?

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How to eat to beat stress

Making small changes to your diet can make a significant change to how you feel and how your brain functions each day. Learn about the specific stress-buffering nutrients that can help your body better cope with whatever comes your way.

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Coffee in bed

4 reasons why we are more tired than ever

If you're facing the kind of fatigue that doesn't go away with rest, you're not alone. Learn about the unexpected reasons why you might be feeling more tired than ever before.

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MitoQ pure product

Restoring sleep for mental wellbeing

While researchers continue to understand the relationship between sleep and mental health, it’s clear that poor sleep and mood disturbances are intrinsically connected.

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Woman stretching before run

What is heart rate variability?

Your heart rate variability (HRV) is an important health measure that can provide insights into how well you recover from exercise, adapt to stress and how you age.

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Man on the beach

5 ways to protect your heart

​Learn about 5 research-backed ways to support your heart in light of American Heart Month.

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Woman meditating in forest

Can meditation slow cellular aging?

Do people who meditate age "slower"? Find out what the research says about meditation and longevity.

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Lady finished swimming in pool

Proven cold plunging benefits

It's the longevity practice that's taken over the mainstream world of wellness, but what are the science-backed benefits behind cold exposure?

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Cluster of mitochondria and cells

Muscle strength for longevity

If you want to change your body composition, support longevity and elevate how you feel from the inside out - strength training and building muscle is a critical first step.

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