Paul Cadman

Certified sports nutritionist, elite endurance coach, athlete manager, director at Elevate Coaching, and professional sportsman.

Paul Cadman

Meet: Paul Cadman

MitoQ, sports and endurance coach Paul Cadman can teach you how to power your performance.


He’s the founder and director of Elevate Coaching where he provides elite athletes with the training and support they need to meet and exceed their athletic goals.

Paul is an IRONMAN University Certified Coach, Training Peaks Level 2 Accredited Coach and TriNZ Certified Coach, holds a Graduate Certificate in Nutrition, is an Accredited Sports Nutritionist and holds a BBS in Major Sports Management.

Paul is driven by seeing people achieve and this fuels him to keep getting better.

Paul is also head of the MitoQ Adventure Racing Team. The team is made up of Kiwi endurance athletes – all of whom train and compete on top of busy careers. This is especially impressive when you consider they’re going head-to-head with professional athletes who train full-time.

In working with the MitoQ Adventure Racing Team, Paul uses MitoQ in conjunction with the biomarkers of heart rate variability to influence training programs and improve performance. Meaning endurance can be increased, consistency is maintained, and recovery times can be reduced, leading to incremental performance gains and less down-time.

He’s also a huge MitoQ advocate – both he and many of his athletes take MitoQ and can attest to its benefits within athletic performance and recovery.

Paul himself takes MitoQ every day and swears by its benefits for athletic performance and general health and wellness.

These benefits include:

- More energy and fewer slumps
- Immunity support
- Increased sports performance and faster exercise recovery
- Optimized health and healthier ageing
- Support your energy needs

Paul cadman kayaking
In experimenting with MitoQ myself I have experienced heightened recovery during high load training periods. Using Heart Rate Variability and various bio markers it is clear to me that MitoQ aids the recovery process, making training far more efficient and effective

articles by Paul Cadman

How to build muscle to support heart health

Strength training, which focuses on muscle growth, is one of the most effective exercises for cardiovascular health.

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Ingredient spotlight: magnesium

Involved in over 600 reactions in the body, magnesium has far-reaching effects that support energy production, brain health, sleep and so much more.

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MitoQ ingredients glossary

Discover the ingredients we use to formulate our range of premium mitochondrial health supplements - with dosage and claims.

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