What is magnesium and why is it beneficial?

From luscious locks to improved sleep and even heart health, magnesium plays an essential role in a range of different brain and body functions. This important nutrient is found in many foods, including leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds. And while following a balanced diet complete with magnesium-rich foods is crucial, many people don’t get enough magnesium from their diet alone. This is where magnesium supplements can be beneficial.

Woman smiling at the beach

Keen to learn more about the benefits of magnesium? Here’s how magnesium can help to optimize your health and why taking magnesium supplements could be a good move.

Health benefits of magnesium

Magnesium has been linked to a whole stack of different health benefits, from supporting normal-range blood pressure to relieving muscle cramping and supporting your immune system. But rather than go through them all individually, here are six specific health benefits that make magnesium important for your brain and your body.

1. Aid in biochemical reactions

Magnesium is found in all cells throughout the body, from your bones and soft tissues to your muscles and blood. Magnesium is what is known as a co-factor and is needed for more than 300 enzymatic systems. Because of this, it's involved in hundreds of different chemical reactions throughout the body, including energy production, nerve function, muscle function, gene maintenance, protein formation and bone health.

2. Support healthy blood sugar levels

There’s research to suggest that magnesium supplements can help to support insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, which are important factors in controlling blood sugar levels.

3. Maintain cardiovascular health

By now you've probably gathered that getting enough magnesium is essential for maintaining muscle function, and this applies to one of the body's most important muscles, the heart. Magnesium helps to support heart health by supporting normal-range blood pressure.

4. Support PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) commonly affects women and female-bodied people of reproductive age. Symptoms can range from abdominal cramps and headaches to irritability and fatigue, but they're believed to be more severe among people with a.

With this in mind, it’s thought that magnesium supplements can help to ease PMS symptoms, like menstrual cramps and water retention, by helping to stabilize magnesium levels throughout the month.

5. Support brain health

Magnesium regulates neurotransmitters, which can lead to improved mood and mental health by helping to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress.

Lastly, magnesium has also been linked to improved sleep quality. So, if you're struggling to get a good night's rest, magnesium may help to relax your mind and body so you can enjoy a bit of shut-eye.

While magnesium offers a range of health benefits, it’s important to stick to a safe dose, and if you have pre-existing conditions which may interfere with magnesium metabolism, consult with your doctor.

Magnesium supplementation

So, how much magnesium should you have each day? While the recommended dietary allowance for magnesium differs depending on your individual needs, age and sex, adults can consume roughly 310–420 mg of magnesium per day. With that said, it’s not uncommon for people’s daily magnesium intake to be lower than recommended which can lead to a magnesium deficiency. Low magnesium levels are more common among older adults and women, increasing their risk of developing a magnesium deficiency.

If you have a magnesium deficiency, there are a few things you can do to increase your magnesium intake. Start by incorporating more magnesium-rich foods into your diet, like pumpkin seeds, spinach, almonds, salmon, brown rice and avocado. Fortified foods like cereals and low-fat yogurt are also good sources of magnesium. If you still suffer from low magnesium levels, it could be worth taking a magnesium supplement to boost your body's magnesium intake.

Before you dive headfirst into magnesium supplementation, it's worth noting that not all magnesium supplements are made the same. Some are formulated with different types of magnesium, which could make certain supplements more effective depending on your health concerns. Here are some common forms of magnesium:

Magnesium citrate helps with digestion regulation by acting as a laxative. It also helps to maintain bone health and support muscle and nerve function while preventing abnormal heart rhythm.

Magnesium threonate is able to easily cross the blood-brain barrier, making it an excellent choice for boosting cognitive health and helping the brain to function optimally.

Magnesium glycinate is readily absorbed by the body, so it offers a range of different health benefits. From relieving muscle cramps and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome to managing blood sugar levels and soothing anxiety, this form of magnesium plays an important role in many bodily functions.

MitoQ + heart is formulated with L-carnitine, magnesium and vitamin D3 to support cardiovascular health and re-energize your cells from within for optimal health.

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