Does MitoQ really work?

Read up on the latest MitoQ research and MitoQ reviews.

MitoQ Pure

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Contains MitoQ® Mitoquinol, our world-first mitochondria-targeted antioxidant.

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At MitoQ, we’ve formulated a range of mitochondria supplements with our world first mitochondria-targeted antioxidant, MitoQ® Mitoquinol mesylate.

As we age, our cells age. 90% of our cellular energy is produced by mitochondria and the trillions of cells that comprise our body tissues run on the energy created by them. Healthy cells rely on healthy mitochondria so we believe that supporting them is the key to healthy aging.
Their optimal function leads to incredible health benefits, and is particularly essential to heart, kidney, eye, brain, skin and muscle function.
So, does Mitoquinol mesylate support cellular longevity, healthier aging and the flow on effects of optimized mitochondria? Yes, it does, and we have the proof.

We understand that what you put into your body is a big decision, so we’ve put together some facts about Mitoquinol mesylate to give you the confidence to try it. Read on to learn how this molecule works, the research that supports it and what our customers are saying.

How MitoQ’s patented ingredient, MitoQ® Mitoquinol, works.

Created and formulated by scientists


Biochemist, Robin Smith, and Professor of Mitochondrial Redox Biology, Mike Murphy, are our go-to experts when it comes to explaining how Mitoquinol mesylate works: because they created it!

“What Mitoquinol mesylate first of all does is: it gets inside mitochondria (the batteries within your cells)…", tells Professor Smith. “We were very surprised to find that, once it’s inside mitochondria – through chemical reactions we now understand – it gets very rapidly converted into a compound which is a very effective antioxidant. We didn’t realize how effective the change of Mitoquinol mesylate to the compound would be. So, it loads up with an antioxidant that’s really ready to interfere with any damaging oxidative species.”

“To think, in the simplest terms, about how Mitoquinol mesylate works: if you think about any natural phenomena (e.g., a river) it contains lots of detritus and damaging weed and pollution”, explains Professor Murphy. “But many of the organisms – like the fish and the birds in the river – they're going around eating up and gobbling up all the damaging bits and the pollution that’s in the river. So, in some ways, free radicals are a bit like the damage and the Mitoquinol mesylate is a bit like the birds or the fish munching through these damaging free radicals so they’re not able to damage, overall.”

Basically, what this means is that Mitoquinol mesylate gets to your body’s energy source – your mitochondria – and neutralizes free radicals: rogue molecules that could otherwise damage your cells. In doing so, Mitoquinol mesylate targets and reverses cellular damage, the core of how we age: helping to keep your body balanced, healthy and functioning at its best.

Discover how Mitoquinol mesylate works in the cell.

The low-down on Mitoquinol mesylate research.

Mitoquinol mesylate is researched by institutions around the world and has 24 clinical trials, 750+ peer-reviewed scientific papers, and over $60 million invested in a broad range of independent studies. The researchers behind these trials concluded the following:

Powerful support for your cardiovascular system.

  • MitoQ®,20mg, taken over 6 weeks, increases arterial dilation by 42% in healthy 60-79-year-olds supporting blood flow and heart health
  • Improves endothelial function and improves vasodilation by up to 42%
  • Improves blood flow
  • Reduces aortic stiffness

Improve exercise performance, mobility, and muscle power.

  • MitoQ® 20mg, taken over 28 days, helps middle-aged cyclists complete time trials faster
  • MitoQ® 20mg taken over 21 days protects mitochondrial and nuclear DNA during high-intensity exercise
  • 6 weeks of MitoQ® 20mg improves leg extension power in healthy older adults
  • Reduce exercise-induced DNA damage

Targets and reverses cellular damage.

  • Lowers oxidative stress markers which signals that MitoQ® combats cell stress/free radical damage
  • Reduces oxidative stress in the cell
  • Decreases excess reactive oxygen species by up to 48%
  • Increases internal antioxidant defences such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase by up to 36%

Explore research highlights for Mitoquinol mesylate

MitoQ Pure

Reviews for MitoQ Pure

MitoQ pure contains 10mg of Mitoquinol mesylate in each serving. Because your cells are connected to every function in your body, customers report varying benefits of consistent supplementation. Some of our verified MitoQ customers have found that MitoQ pure supports their:

Strength and resilience

“I have taken MitoQ for 2 months. I do believe I got an improvement in strength and resilience after 4 to 6 weeks. I feel it has held steady since then. At 72 years old a small improvement is great.” - Neville T.

“I am very happy that I order MitoQ, because it fulfills my need for strength. I have a lot of energy through the day and not so sleepy in the afternoon. I have a great experience everyday with my exercise routine.” - Aleksandra A

"I was very skeptical at first! And the results (for me) were not immediate but within a few months I've noticed a real difference in particular as I'm a 68 year old competitive runner ( doing around 60km's a week) and I now feel, physiologically, like I'm in my mid thirties." - Bobby G

Sustained energy

“MitoQ gave me a sustained energy level and I could see the difference when I wasn't taking it versus when I took it.” - Meritxell M

"I wasn't expecting to notice the change so instantly, but I cannot believe the difference in my energy from day one! Highly recommend." ~Anna

"I have experienced a new kind of energy, which I can only attribute to MitoQ... I am working 10 hours a day with little to no problem of fatigue." - Albert D

“I was skeptical at first... but sure enough... within 90 days I started feeling good; better in myself. First supplement that I’ve taken that I can honestly say I feel the benefit from.” - Robert S

“It’s made a huge difference in my life. I no longer feel like I’ve been hit by a truck when I wake up. Now I pop out of bed.” - Lauren D

Healthy aging

“I recently had my biological age measured using a blood test for methylation of my DNA. I’m 80 and my biological age came back as 67! I do have good exercise and diet programmes but do wonder if MitoQ may have had something to do with this amazing result.” - Anne S

“These pills are amazing, not only for your energy levels, but for your skin as well. Would highly recommend taking these every day.” - Gloria G

"I feel like a well-oiled machine on MitoQ and subtle nuances that only I would notice. Steady balanced energy and my sleep I swear has improved." - Stacy S

"Since starting MitoQ, I have more energy, skin looks great and my aerobic capacity when exercising has noticeably improved." - Stephanie S

Read more MitoQ reviews

MitoQ Pure:

- Targets mitochondria to combat cellular aging.
- Enhances energy and & metabolic health.
- Reduces oxidative stress for healthier aging.
- Supports overall vitality and & longevity.

MitoQ Pure bottle image

How to take MitoQ pure

By adding MitoQ to your balanced daily lifestyle, you can begin to positively impact your energy and health.

We recommend that you take one serving (2 capsules) of MitoQ pure in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before your first meal of the day. Alternatively, you can take MitoQ 2 hours after eating. MitoQ is water-soluble, but shouldn’t be taken with food or oils to assist with absorption.

As you’ll see from the studies and testimonials above – everyone will experience MitoQ differently, depending on your age, your fitness, and your lifestyle. While some people notice a change in their energy levels or fitness quite quickly, it can take a few weeks or months for others to notice a difference. We recommend a consistent daily supplementation routine for 3 months for you to experience support for energy levels and overall health.

Is MitoQ pure safe?

Third-party certified for quality and rigorously reviewed for safety.

All our products are third party tested for purity, identity and composition.

  • Every batch of MitoQ pure is Informed Sport Certified and complies to Prop65 requirements.
  • Made with no harmful ingredients.
  • MitoQ pure has: No gluten / gluten free, no added artificial preservatives, no added artificial colour, no added artificial flavours, no added artificial sweetener, vegetarian suitable.
  • Made in safe registered facilities
  • MitoQ pure is manufactured in SGS, GMP certified, FDA registered, RMP registered facilities in the United States of America and New Zealand.

By encouraging people worldwide to add MitoQ to their morning routine, we hope to empower the health and ambitions of everyone. By helping you understand how Mitoquinol mesylate works, we hope we can provide you with a (not so secret) weapon that can support an energized, fulfilling life.

View MitoQ pure

MitoQ pure

Targets & regenerates aging cells

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