How many different types of cells are there in the human body?

You’re made up of around 200 different types of cells that work together to keep your body functioning. Find out how MitoQ can support your cell health.

Woman exercising at the beach

There are around 200 different types of cells within your body, all of which have different functions. They convert food into energy, remove waste, work to produce new cells, and even communicate with each other. Without these cells, you wouldn't exist! So, to perform at your best, it's really important to take care of your cellular health. If you'd like to learn how many cells are in the human body, some of the cell types within you and how they support your physical and mental well-being – keep reading.

Stem cells

Stem cells are unique due to their ability to become many different types of cells, depending on what your body needs. Think of them as standby cells: if your body needs a certain type of cell, your specialized stem cells will rush in to fill that need. For instance, they can replace dead red blood cells at roughly the same rate. Found in your body tissues, stem cells are also special because they have the ability to repair liver damage.

a magnified image of the insides of a cell

Red blood cells

Around 70% of the cells in your body are red blood cells. They help you breathe by carrying oxygen from your lungs around your body and by transporting carbon dioxide to your lungs where it can be exhaled. This cell type is produced in your bone marrow and red blood cells carry iron, which is the reason your blood is red!

White blood cells

White blood cells are commonly thought of as immunity cells. They're made in your bone marrow and spend their time traveling through your bloodstream, looking out for any health threats that they might need to fight off – such as bacteria or viruses. While only about 1% of your blood consists of white blood cells, they're extremely important for your health.

Nerve cells

Also called neurons or brain cells, an estimate of your roughly 100 billion nerve cells work as a communication network – absorbing information from the world around you and commanding your body to move when you want it to. Ultimately, you couldn't function without them – they're the building blocks of your brain.

Nerve cells

Epithelial cells

Your epithelial cells are the cells that make up your endothelial lining. This lining covers your internal and external surfaces, like your skin, your throat, and your organs. Epithelial cells act as a barrier against any potential threats, and they're also involved in several functions within your body: such as hearing, balance, fluid transport, and absorption.

Endothelial cells

Your endothelial cells play an integral role in your cardiovascular and immune health. They form an inner layer within your heart and line your blood vessels. They play an important role in the tightening and widening of your blood vessels. They also communicate with your immune system, influencing your immune response to potential threats.

Adipose cells

Your adipose cells – or adipocytes – make up around 25% of your body weight. The main role of these cells is to store fat (thus they are also called fat cells) so that it can be used as energy. However, they also provide protective padding for your organs and are closely involved in your body's metabolic signaling.

Photoreceptor cells

Photoreceptor cells are found in the retinas of your eyes. These cells are sensitive to light and allow you to see. There are two types of photoreceptor cells: one type (rod cells) helps you to see when there's limited light. The other (cone cells) are less sensitive to light but help you see in color.

Muscle cells

Also known as myocytes, your muscle cells live within your muscle tissue and organs. One of their central roles is within your heart, where they help to regulate heartbeat contractions. These cells are also what enable your muscles to contract when you perform everyday movements like lifting heavy objects.

Different cells diagram

Bone cells

Your bones are made up of multiple types of cells, including osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts and bone lining cells. These cells work to produce proteins, protect your bones and combine different components that are involved in bone growth and function.

Ovum cells

Ovum cells are very special - they make it possible for you to create a whole new person! Also known as egg cells, these cells are responsible for reproduction in females. Once they've been fertilized with sperm cells, ovum cells are able to produce every cell that exists in the human body: resulting in a new little human!

How to support your cell health as you age

We've barely scratched the surface of the true number of cells in the human body, and the crucial role that they all play in helping you to live a healthy, purposeful life. But if there's one thing we hope you'll take away from reading this, it's this: if you want your cells to look after you, you need to look after them. There are a few ways that you can do this. One great way to do that is by living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding excess sun exposure. But to truly be able to support your cells as you age, you need to be able to combat cell stress – and that's where MitoQ can help. By combating cellular stress, MitoQ provides energy support for your cells – contributing to your ongoing cellular health.

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