It's time for a change at MitoQ

We’ve got new energy. New attitude. New look. New feel. New direction.

We’re all about optimizing your life. So, as well as enhancing the health of your cells, we realized we needed to enhance your MitoQ experience too. From our new more sustainable packaging to our look and feel, our website to the way we talk about MitoQ, by making these small changes we hope we can have a bigger positive impact on you and our planet. Learn more about our new direction in our explainer video below.

MitoQ ingredients glossary

Discover the ingredients we use to formulate our range of premium mitochondrial health supplements - with dosage and claims.

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Who is Colin O'Brady?

He's the first person to ever send a snapchat from the summit of Mount Everest, he's completed the first ever unassisted, human-powered solo trek across Antarctica - and now he's preparing to take on his next challenge.

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