MitoQ scientist elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences

The Academy of Medical sciences has held its annual election and announced 50 of the UK’s leading figures within biomedical and health sciences to their esteemed Fellowship. Among those chosen was our very own Mike Murphy- the co-discoverer of MitoQ.

an image of MitoQ scientist, Professor Michael (Mike) Murphy, who was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences

The Academy of Medical Sciences is an independent body in the UK which represents the diversity of medical science. Their mission is to advance biomedical and health research and its translation into benefits for society.

Every year The Academy holds an election through which they appoint new Fellows in a range of specialties. This year there were 413 candidates, which were shortlisted to 95, with 50 being chosen. The new Fellows have been selected for their outstanding contributions to advancing medical science, cutting edge research discoveries, and translating developments into benefits for patients and wider society. Many of the new Fellows have also made a contribution to medical science through outstanding leadership, public engagement and supporting the career advancement of junior trainees.

This year's elected Fellows have expertise spanning global health, virology, women’s health, medical statistics, health policy, cancer genetics, allergy and emergency care medicine, among many other fields.

We are proud to announce that Professor Michael (Mike) Murphy has received the great honor of joining this list of Fellows. Professor Mike Murphy, along with Biochemist Robin Smith, discovered MitoQ in a science lab at The University of Otago, New Zealand in the 1990’s.

Mike Murphy received his B.A. in chemistry at Trinity College, Dublin in 1984 and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry at The University of Cambridge in 1987. After stints in the US, Zimbabwe, and Ireland he took up a faculty position in the Biochemistry Department at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand in 1992. In 2001 he moved to the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit in Cambridge, UK (then called the MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit) where he is a group leader. Murphy’s research focuses on the roles of reactive oxygen species in mitochondrial function and pathology. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers.

Acting as one of our scientific advisers, Mike Murphy remains an active member of the MitoQ crew.

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