The mighty mitochondria

Re-energized cells, healthy organs and younger-looking skin can be achieved through boosting your mitochondria - the tiny power plants in our body that produce the energy our cells need to operate.

Zoomed in cells

In the beginning

Thousands of years ago, humans didn't eat sugar; our primary source of food was berries, fruit, vegetables, nuts and, occasionally, meat brought home from a hunt. Our bodies are optimized for low-carb diets and plenty of exercise to burn the natural carbohydrates humans traditionally consumed.

Our bodies aren't coping

These days, we consume a lot more sugar as it can be hidden in the pre-prepared and fast food options we tend to go for due to their convenience. Not to mention the processed sugar we eat in snacks and treats.

Additionally, our modern lifestyles are often relatively sedentary. Less exercise also means we produce fewer mitochondria (the energy sources of our cells), so our capacity to burn sugar is reduced.

+ Mitochondria? Discover nearly everything you need to know about the powerhouse of the cell

Sugar is the enemy

Not only is sugar considered detrimental to our waistline and to our teeth, it's also the enemy of our mitochondria and contributes to many metabolic health issues. Consuming excess sugar puts the mitochondria under stress, causing them to emit free radicals. This is called oxidative damage.

10 signs your mitochondria are suffering

Woman surfing

1. Tired or lacking energy

2. Hormonal mood swings

3. Weight gain or blood sugar fluctuations

4. Reduced exercise performance and recovery

5. Aging skin

6. Feeling the effects of aging

7. Stressed or anxious

8. Difficulty sleeping

9. Heart, blood pressure or circulation issues

10. Lack of mental sharpness

What happens to mitochondria as we age?

Mitochondrial function declines as we age. From our 30's it declines at about 10 percent per decade, and ageing accelerates. It is most noticeable on our skin, as our skin cells no longer have the energy to produce sufficient collagen and elastin. The same wear and tear occurs to our internal cells and organs. Additionally, as the mitochondria's natural antioxidant system declines, they start to leak free radicals into the cell, which damages vital cell components and our DNA.

By restoring the mitochondrial free radical defense system we achieve the double benefit of restoring mitochondrial function and reducing free radical leakage into the cell. The result is that (skin) cells are reprogrammed to act like they did when they were younger.

+ Learn more about what happens to your mitochondria as we age

Combating the assaults of aging (and sugar)

Minimizing carbs and exercising regularly can help reduce the oxidative damage to your cells. However, it's very difficult to avoid the hidden sugars in our diets. Even with the best diet and exercise regimen, we still need extra support. Mitochondria, and their antioxidant supplies, naturally degenerate with age and from oxidative damage caused by environmental pollutants, such as food sprays/ pesticides, alcohol and medicines.

Introducing MitoQ - a world first

Normally, getting antioxidants to the mitochondria, which is where you want them to be, is extremely difficult. Until now.

MitoQ Pure for cell vitality: 60 capsules

Introducing MitoQ, the world's first mitochondria-targeted antioxidant. Researchers at the University of Otago in Dunedin discovered a way to deliver antioxidants that penetrate the mitochondrial membrane so they can get into the mitochondria itself.

MitoQ has been shown to be far more effective at delivering antioxidants into the mitochondria than any other form of antioxidant supplement. MitoQ sets your mitochondria and your cells up with optimal energy for cell function. And when your cells have the energy they need, they can repair, maintain and act younger. MitoQ is absorbed into the body's organs to help support healthy functioning and reduce free radical damage.

When our organs are healthy and running efficiently, we have more energy, feel better and can look and stay younger too.

Learn more

This article was published in the Special Anniversary Collectors Edition of Mindfood Magazine, April 2018.

MitoQ ingredients glossary

Discover the ingredients we use to formulate our range of premium mitochondrial health supplements - with dosage and claims.

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