5 reasons you should be talking about cell health

Your cellular health impacts every function in your body – here are 5 reasons you need to be talking about cell health.

Cells and mitochondria

Human cells are amazing – they can work together to create new humans, enable your heart to beat, and they exist to protect you and keep you moving through life. There are approximately 200 different types of human cells, all working together to keep you thinking, moving, breathing – and being you. Your cellular health underpins how well each of your 37 trillion cells perform in their daily tasks. Healthy cells = a healthy you. So, if you love talking about all things health-related, cell health should be the topic at the top of your list. Here are 5 reasons we think the health of cells in the human body is so important to know about – and why you should be talking about them.

#1 Healthy neurons = more energy to carry out mental and physical tasks


Neurons in human brains are responsible for sending communication signals that enable each of us to think, move and function. Taking care of your cell health is particularly important when it comes to neurons. In a resting state, your brain takes up roughly 20% of your body’s daily energy. This energy starts deep within your neurons – inside the many mitochondria of each of your brain cells. Getting the right antioxidants inside your neurons can help them to function optimally, and limit attack by free radicals (rogue molecules that, if not kept in check by antioxidants, can damage your neurons).

#2 Cells enable your heart to beat

Cardiomyocytes (muscle cells within your heart) are pretty darn important to your overall health – they generate contractions within your heart, enabling it to pump blood around your body. There’s plenty of research available on how cell health influences cardiovascular health – our patented cellular health antioxidant MitoQ has been scientifically shown to support cardiovascular health. By decreasing free radical production within cells, researchers have found that MitoQ significantly supports the health of human arteries.

#3 Cells create new people

human cell under microscope

You probably know this – but babies are created through the meeting of a sperm cell and an egg cell. Once the egg cell is fertilized (becoming a human zygote cell), it divides into more and more cells – eventually forming an entirely new human! If you’re planning on conceiving anytime soon, it’s worth learning a little about how cell health influences this process. Multiple studies have suggested that, by supporting your cellular health with the right antioxidants, you might be able to support fertility.

#4 Stem cell research is changing the future of human health

Human stem cells are amazing things – they’re a hugely popular area of research due to their ability to regenerate and transform into different types of cells. They’re constantly on standby to morph into whatever cell type, tissue or organ your body needs most. Currently, stem cell research is enabling scientists to understand more about birth defect causes, how to replace damaged neurons, and even how to grow new organs. According to California’s Stem Cell Agency, there’s (theoretically) no limit to the health issues that could be treated through stem cell research.

#5 Your skin cells are designed to protect you

Skin cells

The three layers of human skin cells – made up of your epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer) and hypodermis (fat layer) – work together to shield you from injury and infection, make vitamin D, regulate your body temperature, and so much more. Like every other cell in your body, your skin cells need energy to function. To enable your skin to protect you, it’s important to understand how to protect it. Protecting yourself from too much sun exposure, eating a healthy diet and taking further steps to combat cell stress are all things you can do to protect the health of your skill cells.

Find out why you should be including MitoQ in your cellular nutrition toolkit

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