How to set (and achieve) family goals

While a happy family looks different to everyone, what most modern families have in common is this: life feels too busy. Parents have never-ending to-do lists, children have busy schedules and, within it all, it can be very difficult to prioritize (or even establish) family goals.

Dad and son in swimming pool

Why are family goals important?

Family goal setting is important because it allows you to move forward, as a family, in the direction you all want to go in. If you never slow down and take the time to address the things that are important to each family member, healthy routines and important milestones can easily get overlooked. That family garden you’ve been dreaming about for three years, the bedtime routine you so desperately need your kids to have, or the social gathering you’ve been planning on organizing with your extended family – these are all goals that require action plans. Setting goals and scheduling them helps you to make these things happen.

If you’re not sure where to start with setting your family goals, keep reading.

Give yourself the energy to get started

It’s difficult to be present and set goals if you’re low on energy. So, before you begin listing your goals, take a look at your energy levels. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating a healthy diet? Are you investing in a daily dose of exercise? Are you taking care of your health at its core – your cells? If your energy levels are low or you feel you’re lacking in any of these areas, take some time to learn about MitoQ. It’s a cellular health supplement that supports your body’s energy, sleep quality and mental focus – basically all of the things that your cells do to help your body function! That being said, if you’re concerned about your energy levels, it’s always a good idea to check in with your GP.

Make a list of your short-term family goals

Now that you’ve set some healthy foundations, it’s time to hone in on your priorities. What are your family goals? Do you want to implement some time management strategies? Is simply spending time with family the main thing at the top of your list? The types of family goals you set could range from family activities you’ve always wanted to try, to working on creating healthy changes within your family’s dynamic. Note down your priorities and then move on to the next step.

Not sure where to start?

mother and son writing in notebook

Check out these short-term family goal ideas:

  • Commit to a weekly parent’s date night
  • Agree on a weekly ‘family fun’ night
  • Create a family chore lucky dip
  • Workout together
  • Get better at balancing work with your family life
  • Meal prep
  • Volunteer locally
  • Start a family garden
  • During arguments, count down from 10 before responding
  • Learn some stress management techniques
  • No phones at the dinner table
  • Make a list of your long-term family goals and values

Now, consider some of your family’s long-term goals. Is there a specific destination you’d like to eventually travel to? Do you have plans to move away from the city and into more of a lifestyle property? Get your family members together and ask them: what are your goals? If a formal planning session isn’t quite your family’s style, have a think about what discussions you’ve had in the past about your future family goals. Add them to your list.

Long term family goal examples:

  • Take a family holiday
  • Move house/to a new destination
  • Adopt a pet
  • Carry out a family-friendly home renovation
  • Live a healthier lifestyle
  • Start a business that allows you to work from home

Create a plan

Now that you’ve got clearly defined goals, how are you going to make them happen? Is it as easy as picking a date on your calendar and locking it in, or will a few more steps be involved? If it’s a long-term goal, such as a family holiday, write out the steps and then write each step on your calendar. Step one might be setting up an automatic savings account, step two could be putting in leave at work, and step three will likely be booking the holiday. Whatever your goals are, plan them out, book in the dates and make it happen!

Track your progress

For those bigger goals, don’t forget to track your progress and reassess if necessary. Life is busy, and sometimes flexibility is needed. For example, if you’ve been saving up for a family holiday but some unforeseen costs require you to dip into your holiday savings – take a look at your calendar and adjust your timeframe so that there’s more time to top up your savings. There’s no need to create unnecessary stress for yourself.

Celebrate milestones

It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of treating family goals as a checklist to continually make your way through. When you achieve a family goal, large or small, celebrate it! Take the opportunity to recognize and enjoy each family milestone. This might be by going out for a nice dinner, enjoying a family weekend away, creating a reward system for your kids if they played a significant role in achieving a goal or perhaps throwing a party. By celebrating your family’s achievements, you’ll be all the more motivated to pursue (and achieve) your goals.

Discover MitoQ

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