Introducing the NZ tour

For as long as they can remember, the self-titled Glendowie Cycling Crew, have donned their lycra, pulled out their bikes and spent their Sunday afternoons riding together. Whilst this is a great way for the team to keep fit and stay social, they have decided to up the ante and are taking on their biggest challenge to date.

Team riding along the beach

For as long as they can remember, the self-titled Glendowie Cycling Crew, have donned their lycra, pulled out their bikes and spent their Sunday afternoons riding together. Whilst this is a great way for the team to keep fit and stay social, they have decided to up the ante and are taking on their biggest challenge to date.

Over the next 18 months the crew are going to be cycling the length of New Zealand. With a total of 3000km to cover, the plan is to break the ride into separate stages and we at MitoQ are excited to be part of their journey, because we share a similar passion for doing more of what they love for longer.

At our age you can just let age take over or you can do something about it. We would love this to help to motivate others to get active and do something similar,
Paul Millet Team-member and Tour organizer

Meet the crew

The six strong team features, Ian Todd, Mike Sullivan, Peter Davey, Shane Hughes, Andrew Gilboy (USA) and Paul Millet, and the ride will be broken into 10 stages with the first leg kicking off on the 28th February 2020.

“The purpose is to ride together but more than Sunday afternoons and two-to-four events each year. We [wanted to] have a group target, to stay fit, have fun and stay healthy. We know that riding together towards something that is a challenge will keep us healthy and happy.” says Millet.

In the lead up to the first leg, the crew have been working hard. “For the last several months we have been riding each weekend. The last four weeks we have been on the bikes we will be riding on the Tour, with extra bags and weight to build up strength. We also go out for three or four rides during the week for one-to-two hours,” says Millet.

The group has had its fair share of injury and illness, so each member is not only battling the ride from a fitness aspect, it’s a wellness journey as well.

“We all have a few ailments due to our age etc. I had a new hip last July,” says Millet. “Pete had the same a few years ago. Andrew has cancer (again) and will need a bone marrow transplant in the next few years, Mike had a tumour removed from his oesophagus just over a year ago. The thing is, if you don’t keep on and stay active, you lose it very quickly. We work hard to remain fit and therefore healthy.”

Powered by MitoQ

Millet says crewmate Peter Davey had been taking MitoQ and convinced the team that they should all add it to their training regime. He adds that the team have already noticed a difference since they began taking it a few months ago, particularly seeing positive changes in recovery, sleep and energy. He believes the NZ Tour crew are great advocates for MitoQ, as they align with the types of people who will benefit from taking our world-first antioxidant.

“The company has been so supportive and excited about the adventures we are planning, and I want to share what we achieve and the fun we have.”

We at MitoQ are passionate about empowering people to do more of what they love, so when we heard about the journey this team was undertaking, we jumped at the opportunity to collaborate, and are equally excited about being able to take everyone on a tour of New Zealand – the beautiful home of MitoQ. When asked what he was most excited about on his upcoming NZ Tour, Millet echoed the opportunity of getting a bunch of friends together in a beautiful part of the world and doing something challenging that they enjoy. Although he also laughingly added, “and the beers at the end, of course.”

We hope that you will find inspiration in this impressive journey and enjoy watching these seemingly ordinary men do extraordinary things.

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