MitoQ and kidney safety

In 2018 an independent paper was published suggesting that MitoQ may cause mitochondrial swelling and depolarization in kidney tissue.

MitoQ and kidney safety study

Read: Scientists confirm safety of MitoQ and kidney health

The science team at MitoQ, and independent scientists, have thoroughly evaluated this study and can confidently advise that the results of this paper were the result of experimental MitoQ administration in a very specific test tube environment, and need not be a concern for those taking MitoQ as a dietary supplement.

This study was conducted in isolated cells (individual animal cells removed from tissue and cultured) and not within a functioning kidney inside a body, and the MitoQ was administered at concentrations many times higher than would ever be taken as a supplement. 

The recommended daily dose of MitoQ is 10-20 mg per day and MitoQ has been studied at 80 mg per day for up to a year in elderly patients with an excellent safety profile. The kidney study in question administered MitoQ at a level of 500 nmol/L, which is significantly higher than would ever reach cells in your body when taken at the recommended daily dose.

If you incubated cells in a solution containing sugar at levels much higher than normal consumption would expose them to, this would similarly have a negative effect on the cells, but that’s not relevant to the normal daily consumption of sugar.

For almost two decades MitoQ has been extensively evaluated for safety and has been shown to be protective of the kidneys in several studies and also during organ storage. MitoQ is also currently being evaluated in two human trials to assist with kidney health at The University of Delaware and Virginia Commonwealth University. These patients have chronic kidney disease so would be even more vulnerable than those with normal kidney function and these trials would not have been approved if the consensus was that MitoQ was unsafe.

You can read more about these trials here: 



Please also find below a list of published peer-reviewed studies which show that MitoQ supports normal kidney function. If you should have any further concerns, please contact our customer support team here: https://www.mitoq.com/contact.

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