That’s a wrap! The MitoQ cycling tour of New Zealand is complete

Thinking about cycle touring New Zealand? See how MitoQ supported this group of 50-year-old friends in cycling from Cape Reinga to Bluff.

Cycling tour New Zealand

It started as an idea a couple of years ago between a group of 50-year-old friends from Auckland, New Zealand. They wanted to explore New Zealand by bike, in seven stages, over 20 months. So, with the go-ahead from their families, they started planning: they’d begin in Cape Reinga and end their journey at the bottom of New Zealand, in Bluff. Why, you may ask?

Put simply, “a lot of years later you’ll be sitting in a rocking chair and these are the things you’ll remember”, tells Ian, one of the group’s cyclists.

When the MitoCrew heard about this, we instantly knew it was an approach to life we wanted to support and promote – and we wanted to see if our cellular health molecule could help this group of friends to get the most out of their journey. So, we decided to support them from start to finish. And finish they did – they've just concluded the final leg of their tour: cycling from Greymouth and ending in Bluff.

“We’ve been using MitoQ all the way through,” says Paul Millet, the instigator and organizer of the tour. He’s also found that “by taking MitoQ, our recovery time is so much better.”

“It just seems that you can keep going and going and going”, adds Pete, another cyclist from the group of friends.

It hasn’t been an easy journey – throughout the 7 legs the group have encountered tough uphill climbs, burst bike tires, unpredictable weather and an injury or two – but they’ve also experienced the best of New Zealand’s scenery, explored locations and pubs throughout the country and can now say they’ve toured the country with some of their best mates. It’s an experience they say they wouldn’t have missed for the world.

“Being able to be a part of this journey has been so fantastic,” concludes Paul.

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