The power of preventative health

In the same way that financial investments can yield significant returns over time, investing in your health and making informed decisions about your wellbeing will only benefit your quality of life in the years to come.

Man carrying soccer ball talking with his kids

We all want to maintain high levels of energy, cognitive function and mobility as we age – but that requires us to think ahead and anticipate the needs of our future selves. Like those financial investments, taking preventative measures towards your health may not always offer immediate benefits, but the work you do now to support your health will pay off tenfold in the future.

The pillars of preventative health

Stress management

Stress is one of the biggest factors that contributes to long-term health complications. When the body experiences ongoing stress, our ability to fight colds weakens, we become more prone to elevated blood pressure, and any pre-existing health implications can be exacerbated. Stress has a profound effect on our mental health, which can disrupt sleep, appetite and motivation – all while reducing our coping mechanisms and ability to help the body maintain resilience. By recognizing the intricate connection between stress and the body’s ability to cope is one of the most crucial preventative ways to support your long-term health.

Ways to manage stress daily:

Limit stimulants

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that triggers the body’s fight or flight response, and the consequent release of stress hormones. While this response is intended to be short lived, if you’re pumping your body with coffee throughout the day – you could be encouraging the sustained production of stress hormones and increasing feelings of stress and overwhelm. By limiting your intake of caffeine and switching to decaf in the late hours of the morning (as opposed to the later hours of the afternoon!), your body will be better equipped to adapt to stress.

Prioritize sleep

Losing sleep triggers the body’s stress response, and it can dysregulate the production of cortisol. Cortisol and melatonin are two hormones that help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, and they work in opposition to help create your sleep/wake cycle. Cortisol should naturally rise in the early hours, helping you spring out of bed each morning, while melatonin takes the night shift and helps your body wind down for sleep. But when these two hormones are out of balance, things can start working in opposition and you might feel sleepy in the morning and wired at night – a classic sign that the adrenals could use some support. By helping the body re-establish a healthy sleep pattern, you’ll also be supporting the regulation of your stress hormones.

Set boundaries

Setting boundaries and being protective of your time and energy is crucial in preventing burnout and making sure you have time to do all the things that fill up your cup. Having clear boundaries allows you to prioritize your own well-being and helps you say no when necessary. Allocating time for yourself helps you recharge, and also reduces the mental and physical toll of stress. Taking inventory of the things that are most important for you and your health will help you prioritize your wellbeing when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

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Mastering cortisol

The release of cortisol creates a cascade of reactions that influence the body as a whole. Learn about 5 research-backed ways to lower cortisol to balance your stress hormones.

Optimize nutrition

Diversify your diet

Incorporating a wide range of nutrients into your meals is the best way to eat a balanced diet and reduce your risk of nutritional deficiencies. Although it’s not always easy to hit the daily recommended nutrient intakes for certain vitamins and minerals, eating a diverse diet will give you a solid foundation.

Supplement to support cardiovascular health

As we age, our risk of developing health complications increases. Prioritizing cardiovascular health in particular can support longevity, quality of life and optimal brain function. Nutrients like magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and CoQ10 may significantly support cardiovascular function throughout our lives to prevent unneccessary health complications as we get older.

Embrace the Mediterranean Diet

Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and lean proteins like fish and poultry – the Mediterranean Diet is associated with longevity and a reduced risk of health complications. Eating in this way has also been shown to protect heart health and support other markers of cardiovascular function.

Support your cells

Cell stress plays a crucial role in the aging process, and it’s been shown to accelerate the way we age. By maintaining cellular function and supporting the reduction of cell stress – we can increase our ability to protect the body against potential health implications that stem from improper cell function.

Inside almost every single one of your hard-working cells are tiny organelles called mitochondria. Commonly known as the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell, your mitochondria are responsible for producing 90% of the body’s energy. During the energy generation process, your mitochondria create free radicals (aka reactive oxygen species or ROS) as a by-product. While these highly reactive molecules can have some benefits - if too many accumulate within the body it can cause damage to your cells.

Mitochondria work hard to produce and accumulate antioxidants to protect cells from free radical damage – but the problem is that as we age, our antioxidant levels naturally decline. On top of this, we're exposed to even more free radicals daily through stressors like UV rays, pollution, poor diet, smoking and psychological stress to name a few.

  • To support cell health and ease cell stress, the body needs enough antioxidants to keep free radicals at bay. MitoQ is an advanced form of CoQ10 that works effectively to help balance free radicals and support cell stress – to help you sustain energy and vitality as you age.

Learn more about the science of MitoQ

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Great health starts with your cells

MitoQ Pure is a world-first antioxidant molecule that supports cellular health for boosted energy, faster exercise recovery, and better aging every day.

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Daily movement

Exercise is a powerful tool to prevent a host of health implications and improve our overall wellbeing. From supporting cardiovascular health to improving bone density and promoting blood sugar regulation – the benefits of daily movement are endless, particularly from a preventative health perspective.

A recent meta analysis found that the more you walk, the greater the health benefits. It was shown that the risk of mortality reduces significantly with every 500 to 1000 extra steps you walk per day. The researchers also found that the benefits in people who were at the extreme end of the spectrum (walking around 20,000 steps per day) continued to increase – and they haven’t yet found an upper limit.

  • To reap the preventative health benefits of exercise, aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise (or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise) a week.

Making prevention apart of your lifestyle

Along with the key pillars listed above, there are other important facets of our lifestyle that we can be mindful of to prevent the onset of age-related health implications.

  • Sleep: Sleep is critical for supporting longevity and preventing health implications as we age. Quality sleep is crucial for cognitive function, hormone regulation, stress management and cardiovascular health. Research suggests that those who consistently get enough sleep tend to live longer.
  • Mental health and cognitive function: Protecting our mental health and cognitive function is crucial as we age. It gives us the independence and ability to continue living a full life, and can prevent the onset of age-related cognitive decline.
  • Skin protection: The skin is our largest organ, and it serves as the body’s first line of defense against external threats like environmental pollutants and UV radiation. Protecting the skin can significantly reduce your risk of developing skin complications in your later years, including sun damage and premature aging.
  • Eye health: Maintaining healthy eye function is critical as we age, and many eye complications are more commonly experienced as we get older. Avoiding blue light as much as possible, eating a diet rich in antioxidants and taking supplements to specifically support your eye health will support your vision as you age.
  • Bone health: Maintaining bone health is essential for our overall physical health and longevity. Bones provide our body with structure, they protect our vital organs and support mobility and functional movement. As we age and as our bone density decreases, our risk of developing injuries increases making it even harder to perform daily tasks and maintain healthy bones.
skin cells and mitochondria

How to support your skin cells

The skin you’re looking at today is in a constant state of regeneration. Every day, you shed over 30,000 skin cells which are swiftly replaced with new ones through a process called cell regeneration.

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Why Muscle Mass is Important for Heart Health

As you age, your heart ages with you. Learn how building muscle can help navigate these cardiovascular changes to help you age better.

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