What is MitoQ used for? A closer look at MitoQ’s research

These clinical trials provide a good introduction into what MitoQ can be used for – and why it can support so many areas of your health and wellbeing.

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These four clinical trials provide a good introduction into what MitoQ can be used for – and why it can support so many areas of your health and wellbeing.

What are the benefits of MitoQ?

As you’ll see in the research below, MitoQ’s benefits are far-reaching: they don’t just apply to one area of health. This is because MitoQ targets the trillions of cells that make up your entire body. When the health of your cells is supported, your entire body is optimized. That’s why MitoQ has potential across all aspects of your health and wellbeing. But, for now, let’s dive into what clinical trials have discovered about MitoQ’s impact on heart health, athletic endurance, mitochondrial DNA, leg extension power and more.

MitoQ is used to combat cell stress

By neutralizing free radicals at their main source, MitoQ is able to effectively combat cell stress: an issue that is, more often than not, caused by oxidative stress. Put simply, oxidative stress means there’s an imbalance between the levels of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. MitoQ helps to get this balance back in check, making it easy for the building blocks of your body – your cells – to function at their best.

A clinical trial carried out at the University of Colorado Boulder supports this. The study found that MitoQ significantly fights oxidative stress – which had an on-flow of positive effects on the study participants’ cardiovascular health.

MitoQ is used to support heart health

In the same study, MitoQ was found to support heart health in a few ways. Not only did it improve arterial dilation by 42% (which supports blood flow), it also was found to significantly support the health of the aorta: your body’s main artery.

The study’s researchers concluded: “In the broadest terms, our results provide initial support for the idea that MitoQ, and potentially other mitochondria-targeted antioxidants, may be an effective treatment for improving vascular function”.

Learn more about how MitoQ could support your heart health

MitoQ is used to improve cycling performance

A clinical trial conducted by researchers at the University of Auckland found that, by taking MitoQ, cyclists were able to complete time trials faster than those who weren’t taking MitoQ. They also found that the average power output of cyclists who had taken MitoQ increased by 10 watts.

One of the researchers behind the study concluded, “Our data suggests that 4 weeks of MitoQ supplementation can enhance cycling performance and this effect may be related to the ability for MitoQ to attenuate exercise-induced oxidative stress in skeletal muscle. This research has interesting implications for athletes, and I look forward to seeing more research in this area.”

Learn more about how MitoQ could support your cycling performance

MitoQ is used to reduce mitochondrial damage caused by high-intensity exercise

In a study published by the Sport and Exercise Research Institute at Ulster University, it was discovered that MitoQ can reduce mitochondrial damage caused by high-intensity exercise. When the study’s participants took MitoQ for 21 days, researchers found that damage - which is typical within lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) following high-intensity exercise – was reduced.

Learn more about how MitoQ could support your high-intensity workouts

MitoQ is used to improve leg extension power (& potentially mobility) in healthy older adults

A study published in The FASEB Journal in 2018 found that MitoQ helped healthy older adults regain extension power in their legs. The study’s authors concluded, “our data suggest greater improvements in leg-extension power with MitoQ supplementation in individuals with lower baseline function. Collectively, these data indicate that MitoQ and other therapeutic strategies targeting mtROS may hold promise for improving motor function”.

Learn more about how MitoQ could improve your leg extension power

running on sand at the beach

What MitoQ reviews tell us about what MitoQ can be used for

Independent research into MitoQ’s ability to support overall health is ongoing. If you’re interested in exploring how our biodesigned molecule could benefit your health and life, we encourage you to head to our research page for more information or read about the experiences of over 20,000 MitoQ customers. Many of our customers report a noticeable improvement in their energy, skin, mental clarity, athletic performance and more.

See what customers have to say about MitoQ

Does MitoQ have side effects?

Clinical trials have shown MitoQ to be safe in amounts far higher than the recommended MitoQ dose (10mg per day). Aside from 12 clinical trials, MitoQ also has multiple certifications and accreditations to support its safety record. If you’d like to learn more about these, please read Is MitoQ safe?

When should I take MitoQ?

We encourage you to make MitoQ a key part of your morning ritual. Research has shown that food inhibits MitoQ’s absorption, so we recommend taking your MitoQ on an empty stomach. First thing in the morning is ideal (with your coffee is fine) or at least two hours after a meal. Some people do find that MitoQ gives them subtle energy, so it’s generally a good idea to avoid having it later in the day.

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