How to live a “limit less” life

Whatever  types of limits you’re currently facing – be they mental, emotional or physical – these small steps have been scientifically shown to help you get more out of life.

Woman on a swing above the ocean

When did you last feel “limit less”? Like youcould take on the world, be at your best, and give your best to everyone around you? For many of us, the last time we felt like this was when we were young. And it was a pretty amazing feeling.

We all have limits in life that slow us down or stop us from doing things. Some of these are out of our control, but some – whether they’re mental, emotional or physical – are things we have the ability to change by reframing them in our mind or forming new habits. – Wouldn’t we all like to feel less limits, whether it’s feelings of inadequacy, stress, a lack of energy, brain power, not enough time, not feeling fit enough... or perhaps issues that are far more complex. While it may never be possible to remove every limit at once, we believe it is definitely possible to have less limits and feel like you have more freedom in life.

And that doesn’t have to mean making a major life change. By starting small with daily actions to look after yourself, it is possible to remove some of your limits and enable yourself to get more – and give more – in life. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Build routines that enable you to optimize your time

How often do we tell ourselves we can’t do things? Integrative Nutritionist and MitoQ ambassador Kaytee Boyd has a few tricks up her sleeve when it comes to creating routines that set the scene for the day ahead. To avoid stress and keep herself focused, she begins her days with the following steps:

Kaytee Boyd, Integrative Nutritionist
Kaytee Boyd, Integrative Nutritionist
  1. Planning: “I wake up and do a quick refresh look at my diary. The night before, I write three things I need to get done tomorrow, both professionally and personally.”
  2. Writing down 3 things she’s thankful for: “It helps set the scene and reminds me why I do what I do - and stops negativity creeping in.”
  3. Supporting her body’s foundations: “I have MitoQ and a huge glass of water - and then it’s all go: walk dogs, train and then work.”
  4. Combining tasks to sneak in learning: “(I) love listening to podcasts while walking the dogs.”

Think about what rituals typically help you to start the day on a positive, organized note and try to weave them into your existing routine. If you’re not sure where to start, see if implementing a few of Kaytee’s morning rituals works for you.

Find a healthy way to relieve stress

A man cycling next to a fountain

Life comes with a variety of stressors, and there’s no way around that. What you can do is learn to effectively manage stress in ways that work for you so that it doesn’t impact your quality of life. The World Health Organization’s Doing What Matters in Times of Stress offers some unique ways to relieve stress that include:

  • Slowing down: focus on your breathing and/or take a moment to notice what you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell
  • Noticing difficult thoughts and feelings, acknowledging them and then refocusing on the task at hand
  • Acting in a way that aligns with your values
  • Being kind to yourself & others: paying attention to your inner self-talk

Be a lifelong learner

In the words of industrial designer Jacque Fresco, “When education and resources are available to all without a price tag, there will be no limit to the human potential.” We spend the first part of our lives continuously learning, but there are easy and cost-effective ways you can invest in your own potential even in adulthood, by carrying on the learning journey through all stages of your life. Seeking out books at your local library, downloading something new from Audible, learning a new language via one of the many language apps available, starting a new course or signing up for a virtual or I.R.L class.

Not only does this help you to continuously grow and evolve as a person, it also helps to keep your brain healthy. According to Dr. John N. Morris, the Institute for Aging Research’s director of social and health policy research, "Embracing a new activity that also forces you to think and learn and requires ongoing practice can be one of the best ways to keep the brain healthy."

Surround yourself with positive people

Family exploring a forest together

Multiple studies have found that, by surrounding yourself with healthy relationships, you can dramatically improve your health and the quality of your life. In short: if you’re surrounding yourself with the wrong people, you’re limiting yourself. If you’re needing to make some changes in this area, the NIH recommends taking the following steps:

  • Make quality social connections
  • If you’re taking care of others, don’t forget to take care of yourself too
  • Be socially active: find exercises that you and others in your social circle can enjoy together
  • Take the time to bond with your kids
  • Build and improve your existing relationships
  • When it comes to influencing your family’s health habits, lead by example

Last but not least – address your fundamental limit: cell stress

MitoQ Pure

When your cells are stressed, the energy that your body runs on becomes compromised – limiting your ability to function at your best mentally, emotionally and physically. How does that present itself in your life? It could be things like fatigue, brain fog, low immunity, slow post-workout recovery, burnout, afternoon slumps, low libido, or noticing the effects of aging more acutely. MitoQ is a scientifically proven way to combat cell stress – we like to think of it as limitlessness in a bottle.

MitoQ gives me more strength and energy to complete tasks. When I recently ran out, I really could feel the difference. Thank you for an excellent product.
Marian Rea via Trustpilot

Improving cellular health with MitoQ has been scientifically shown to improve vascular function (the vessels that power your heart), improve cycling performance and shorten recovery periods after intense physical training - and that’s just three findings out of 14 human studies. Customers also report a variety of positive lifestyle changes post-MitoQ, which you can view for yourself on our customer stories page. To get the most out of your MitoQ, we recommend you:

  • Take two 5mg capsules per day, with water
  • Take it at least 30 minutes before your breakfast or two hours after eating (food has been shown to inhibit MitoQ’s absorption)
  • Try to incorporate MitoQ into your morning routine through “habit stacking”, (habit stacking is the method of incorporating a new habit into your day by combining it with an existing one).
  • Think of MitoQ as a life-long partner for your cells. The antioxidants within your cells naturally decline with age – limiting your endless potential. Throughout your life, MitoQ can support your cells - so your cells can support you in getting the most out of life.

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